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The Committee Election Meeting for National Standardization Association of Technical Acoustics held in Beijing
Update time: 2007/12/19
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From Dec.8-10, the Committee Election Meeting for National Standardization Association of Technical Acoustics was held in Beijing. Prof. TIAN Jing chaired the meeting and Secretary-General LU Yadong delivered the report on the work in 2007 on behalf of the 5th committee. Presented at the meeting were the members of the committee, the delegates of the National Standardization Association and leaders of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The 6th committee for National Standardization Association of Technical Acoustics consisted of 37 committee members and 7 consultants. Academician Ma Dayou was elected to be the Honorary Director, Prof. TIAN Jing, the director and Mr. LU Yadong, the Secretary-General.

The Fundamental Acoustics Branch consisted of 16 members. Mr. TIAN Jing of IACAS was appointed to be the Branch Director, Mr. CHENG Jianchun of Nanjing University, the Deputy Director and Mr. LIU Bilong of IACAS, the Secretary-General.

The Noise Acoustics Branch consisted of 31 members. Mr. MAO Dongxing of Tongji University was appointed to be the Branch Director, Mr. ZHANG Bin of Beijing Municipal Institute of Labour Protection, MA Dianqi of Mechanics Institute and Mr. YANG Jun of IACAS, the Deputy Director and Mr. YU Wuzhou of Tongji Univeristy, the Secretary-General.

The Architectural Acoustics Branch consisted of 27 members. Mr. LIN Jie of China Academy of Building Research was appointed to be the Branch Director and Mr. TAN Hua, the Secretary-General.

The Ultrasonics and Underwater Acoustics Branch consisted of 38 members. Mr. MO Xiping of IACAS was appointed to be Branch Director, Mr. WANG Zhijian of WUMIT and Mr. WANG Yuebing of 715 Institute, Deputy Director, and Mr. PAN Chao of IACAS, the Secretary-General.  

Secretary-General LU Yadong delivered the report on the work in 2007 on behalf of the 5th committee. At the end of the conference, Director TIAN Jing expressed his heartful thanks and great respects for the old generation's support and devotion to our national acoustics work. He said the new committee would work harder, make definite plans and set clear goals, adopt appropriate measures, upgrade the international communication and finally make more contribution to the development of acoustic standardization in our country.



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