The 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC) was held in Seoul, Korea from Jun.26 to Jun.28, 2006.
WESPAC is an academic conference on Acoustics in Pacific region. The contents of this triennial conference involved every aspect of acoustic research. Since WESPAC was firstly held in 1983, it has grown steadily in membership and participants from all over the world besides western pacific countries. As one of the most important members, China played an important role in this organization and got the honor to hold the 3rd conference in Shanghai in 1988.
The 9th WESPAC was divided into 3 plenary meetings and 9 keynote speeches. The topics of the 3 plenary meetings are: Better Life through Bubbles and Biomedical Ultrasonics, Korea's IT: A new social Infrastructure and A Precursor to Ecologically Relevant Speech Science.
Delegates from 37 countries attended this conference, among whom 62 were from Mainland China. Academician Zhang Renhe, Doctor Tian Jing, Prof. Liu Ke of Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences were invited to give speeches on the conference.
All together, 595 abstracts and 484 papers were submitted to the organization committee. The delegates' active participation contributed a lot to the success of this conference.