The target motion parameters estimation based on the acoustic field
interference structure similarity match
DA Lianglong; XU Guojun; HAN Mei; ZHANG Lin; FAN Peiqin;
Navy Submarine Academy; Pilot National laboratory for Marine Science
and Technology; College of Meteorology and Oceanology, National
University of Defense Technology;
A spectral sequence matched algorithm based on acoustic field
interference structure is proposed to estimate the target motion
parameters. According to the longitudinal correlation of the acoustic
field using the spectral sequences of different frequencies obtained
from the target LOFAR spectrogram and the target range solution
vector obtained from the two-azimuth and two-range target motion
parameters calculation method, a matching cost factor of the spectral
sequences similarity is constructed to estimate the target motion
parameters. Both the numerical simulation and the experimental data
analysis show that the initial range, course and speed can be clearly
presented in the visual distribution diagram of target motion
parameters. The results demonstrate that the algorithm is simple,
efficient and robust to the azimuth errors.