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Thermoacoustic theory of graphene films considering heat transfer of substrate materials(2018 No.2)
Update time: 2024/07/24
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Title: Thermoacoustic theory of graphene films considering heat transfer of substrate materials

Author(s): BIAN Anhua; LI Shuang; XING Qianhe; HUANG Xu; FAN Xueliang; LI Cheng;

Affiliation(s): School of Rail Transportation, Soochow University

Abstract: Based on thermoacoustic theory, a coupled thermal-mechanical model for graphene films is established, and the analytical solutions for thermal-acoustic radiation from a graphene thin film are obtained. The sound pressure of the graphene film generator on different substrates is measured, and the measurement data is compared with the theoretical results. The frequency response from the experimental results is consistent with the theoretical ones, while the measured values are slightly lower than the theoretical ones. Therefore, the accuracy of the proposed theoretical model is verified. It is shown that thermal-acoustic radiation from a graphene thin film reveals a wide frequency response. The sound pressure level increases with the frequency in the low frequency range, while the sound pressure varies smoothly with frequency in the high frequency range. Thus it can be used as excellent thermal generator. When the thermal effusivity of the substrate is smaller, then the sound pressure of grapheme films will be higher. Furthermore, the sound pressure decreases with the increase of heat capacity per unit area of grapheme films. Results will contribute to the mechanism of graphene films generator and its applications in the design of loudspeaker and other related areas.

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