Title: Structure normal velocity reconstruction with sparse measurement points
Author(s): MAO Rongfu; ZHU Haichao;
Affiliation(s): Institute of Noise & Vibration, Naval University of Engineering; et al.
Abstract: To achieve normal velocity reconstruction of a vibrating surface with sparse measurement points, a reconstruction method is proposed by exploiting of acoustic radiation modes as expansion functions, which are capable of describing the geometric shape of a vibrating surface. Firstly, acoustic radiation modes of the vibrating surface are calculated and the relationship between normal velocity and acoustic radiation modes is built. Then actual measured normal velocity values are expressed by corresponding acoustic radiation modes and the expansion coefficients are calculated. Subsequently, all normal velocity values can be reconstructed by the obtained expansion coefficients. Experimental validations have been performed by a double-layer steel cylindrical shell with enclosed ends in.an anechoic water tank. Two cases with different wavenumber components distribution were designed by a vibration shaker and a rotor device respectively. Two experimental results both show that actual vibration distribution cannot be revealed exactly by the sparse measurement points, which corresponds to severe loss of vibration related wavenumber components. On the other hand, normal velocity and corresponding wavenumber components can be restored accurately in both two wavenumber components distribution cases according to the proposed method, which demonstrates obvious effectiveness of the proposed method.