Title: Trabecular spacing estimation based on quadratic transformation algorithm
Author: XU Yiwen; HOU Li; SHU Xiao; WU Guangli; LIU Chengcheng; XU Kailiang; TA De’an;
Affiliation: Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University;
Abstract: The quadratic transformation method is proposed to estimate the trabecular spacing (Tb.Sp), an important index for osteoporosis diagnosis. The performance of this algorithm was investigated by scatter model, two-dimension finite difference time domain (2D-FDTD)simulation and in vitro experiments of bovine cancellous bone specimens. Comparing with the other four methods— autoregressive cepstrum (AR),adaptive filter- autoregressive cepstral (AFAR), inverse filter-autoregressive cepstrum (InvAR), and simplified inverse filter tracking (SIFT),quadratic transformation is much more stable and accurate. The results demonstrated that quadratic transformation is a great algorithm for Tb. Sp estimation.