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The roles of pitch and duration in sentence accent of Chinese discourse(2012 No.2)
Update time: 2024/07/24
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【Title】The roles of pitch and duration in sentence accent of Chinese discourse

【Author】YANG Xiaohong~(1,2) ZHAO Jianjun~(1,2) YANG Yufang~1 LU Shinan~3 (1 Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100101) (2 Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100039) (3 Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190)

【Abstract】Relying on a corpus of thirty narrative discourses, the roles of pitch and duration of prosodic words in sentence accent were studied in discourse context. At first, the pitch was normalized. Then according to the pitch range, the sentence and prosodic word were classified into three ranks of strengthened, normal and weakened respectively. In the same time the sentence accent was classified into two levels of primary and secondary by perceptual evaluation. The results showed that the relative pitch range of prosodic words in opposition to sentence contributed dominantly to sentence accent. Furthermore, the roles of pitch and duration in sentence accent were affected interactively by the rank of sentence and prosodic words. In normal prosodic words, primary sentence accents were realized by the mutual performance of pitch and duration while secondary sentence accents mainly depended on the variation of pitch. In strengthened prosodic words, the role of duration in sentence accent was more significant when the pitch range of the sentence was more compressed. Finally, it was found that the correlation between pitch and duration was influenced primarily by the strength of prosodic words, and in weakened, normal and strengthened prosodic words, the correlations between pitch and duration were positive, null, and negative respectively.

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