【Title】Chaotic dynamics of propeller singing
【Author】YU Dapeng~(1,2) ZHAO Deyou~1 WANG Yu~2 (1 Department of Naval Architecture,Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116085) (2 Naval Academy of Armament Beijing 100161)
【Abstract】The system of propeller singing is proved for the first time to have the character of chaotic dynamics through the study of the signal time series. The estimation of the topological dimension, the confirmation of the number of independent variable and the description of the character of attractor trajectory in reconstructed phase space are implemented during the analysis of the system. The result indicates that the system of propeller singing can be reconstructed by the optional delay time tD = 1,the minimal embedding dimension dE = 8,and the reconstructed topological parameter with the fractional correlation dimension D2=5.1579 and the positive maximum Lyapunov exponent λtD = 0.0771.The results provide a new approach to the further study of the propeller singing phenomenon.