XIA Yuhong1 JIANG Hongyuan1 WU Guoqi1 E. A. Izzheurov2
(1 School of mechatronics engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001)
(2 Samara State Aerospace University Samara of Russia 443086)
Received Apr. 10, 2008
Revised Jun. 10, 2008
Abstract The sound absorption performance of Metal Rubber material was studied theoretically and experimentally. The acoustic impedance rate and the sound absorption coefficient were derived based on the acoustic parameters of metal rubber material. The relation of structure constant, compressibility modulus and structural parameters was investigated experimentally. The results showed that the specimen of metal rubber with the same mean porosity diameter had the same structure constant. For the same structural parameters, the compressibility modulus of metal rubber material was approximately constant in certain frequency range. The calculated acoustic parameters are in good agreement with the experimental results, demonstrating the effectiveness of theoretical models.
PACS numbers: 43.50, 43.20