ICSV21 Successfully Held 13-17 July 2014 in Beijing
The 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV21) was successfully held 13-17 July 2014 in Beijing, China. Professor TIAN Jing, the president of the Acoustical Society of China (ASC), was the general chair of this conference. Pr...
Prof. Xiang-Gen Xia Shared His Research Progress of OFDM
Prof. Xiang-Gen Xia from the University of Delaware, invited by Prof. YAN Shefeng, delivered an academic report titled "What's Next after OFDM?" in IOA on July 22. More than fifty researchers and students attended it, including CAS Member HOU...
The UDWN Challenges and Opportunities Lectured by Dr. Antonios Argyriou from the University of Thessaly
Invited by the High Performance Network Laboratory (HPNL), IOA, Dr. Antonios Argyriou from the University of Thessaly, Greece, visited IOA on July 8. Antonios made an academic report titled "Challenges and Opportunities in Ultra-Dense and Mas...
IOA Held the 5th Academic Conference Celebrating Its 50th Anniversary
During July 1stto 3rd, the Institute of Acoustics (IOA), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) held the 5th academic conference celebrating its 50th anniversary in Beijing. IOA leadership headed by Director WANG Xiaomin and Party Committee Secre...
Prof. Yi Qian Presented Advances and Challenges for Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures
Prof. QIAN Yi from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln visited IOA on July 10, invited by the High Performance Network Laboratory (HPNL), IOA. "Advances and Challenges for Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures" was presented by Prof. Yi Qian.