Professor Peter Gerstoft from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Presented Compressive Sensing in Ocean Acoustics in IOA
Professor Peter Gerstoft from Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego visited the Institute Of Acoustics (IOA) on September 15, 2015, invited by the State Key Laboratory of Acoustics.
Researchers from Research Center for Ultrasonics and Technologies of IOA Visited the University of Yamanashi and the University of Tokyo
From August 16 to August 24, three researchers from Research Center for Ultrasonics and Technologies of IOA participated the “SAKURA Exchange Program in Science” at the invitation of Japan Science Technology Agency. The three researchers we...
Professor Jorge Trevino from Tohoku University Lectured Spatial Sound Recording, Analysis and Reproduction in IOA
Professor Jorge Trevino from Tohoku University visited the CAS Key Laboratory of Speech Acoustics and Content Understanding in IOA on August 9, invited by Professor LI Junfeng from IOA. Jorge gave an academic lecture about his research area, ...
Prof. HOU Chaohuan Delivered a Keynote Speech on the ChinaSIP2015
Invited by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, Prof. HOU Chaohuan, accompanied by Prof. HAO Chengpeng, Prof. WU Yongqing and doctoral student XI Junyi attended the ChianSIP2015 from July 12 to July 15 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. On the Chin...
Dr. T. C. Yang Shared His Research of a Data-based Source Localization Method in IOA
Dr. T. C. Yang from the Undersea Technology, Nat. Sun Yat-Sen Univ. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, gave a lecture named “Data based source localization by synthetic beamforming the moving source data and the system implications” in IOA on July 13, 2015.