Academic Report about Rock Properties with Digital Core Technology Presented by Prof. Amos Nur from USA
Prof. Amos Nur from Stanford University in U.S.A., visited IACAS and gave a presentation titled as “Rock Properties while Monitoring Non-Equilibrium Rock-Fluid Interactions” on November 2, 2017.
Audiologists Help People Rebuild Hearing
Sun Jin is an audiologist from Shanghai Acoustics Laboratory attached to the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. For hearing impaired people, audiologists are angels bringing them back to the hearing world.
IACAS Attended INTER-NOISE 2017 Held in Hong Kong
Professor YANG Jun, with Prof. GAO Yan and Dr. YU Ziying from the Key Laboratory of Noise and Vibration Research, CAS were invited to attend INTER-NOISE 2017 and make presentations.
Academic Report about the Invariance Theory Presented by Prof. Danilo Orlando from Italy
Prof. Danilo Orlando from University of Niccolò Cusano, Italy, delivered an academic report titled “The invariance theory in radar” in the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on July 7.
First Underwater Carpet Cloak Realized, with Metamaterial
A realizable underwater acoustic carpet cloak is designed and fabricated for the first time by using the method of transformation acoustics. It has been achieved by a research team from the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sci...