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Greening At The Edges (GATE) Lectured

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Invited by the High Performance Network Laboratory, Prof. Nirwan Ansari from the New Jersey Institute of Technology University visited our institute, and lectured on his study of Greening Networking on July 30.

In Prof. Nirwan Ansari’s lecture entitled “Greening At The Edges(GATE)”, he introduced that the wireless access part will be made up of fiber-to-the-home or hybrid fiber-to-the-node, and the wireless part will be provisioned by plenty advanced technologies, such as advanced antenna techniques, heterogeneous networks with mixed high/low power base stations deployment and cooperative communications. End users accessing the networks are provided the same high data rate all the time whether they run the applications or not. Thus, it’s a significant amount of energy wasting. As a result, it’s a great challenge to green the high capacity access networks. GATE aims to transform the access portion of communications infrastructure into an energy efficient one.

Prof. Ansari introduced many techniques to optimize the energy utilizing and balance the energy distribution which makes the networks become capacity adaptive and more intelligent.

The lecture was well received, during which the details of the GATE were asked and answered frequently.

Prof. Ansari is lecturing

Future wireless access (from Prof. Ansari)

(Source: WEN Xuemin, YANG Xinghua from High Performance Network Laboratory)


