Dr. GAO Huidong, the principal research engineer from the GE Innerspec Technologies was invited by the Ultrasonic Physics and Exploration Laboratory for academic exchanges at IOA.
On June 21, GAO gave a lecture focusing on his research interest, named “Electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) technology and its applications in modern nondestructive testing”. More than forty staff and students from IOA attended and took part in the academic communication.
The EMAT discussed in his lecture is a kind of ultrasonic transducer that uses the interaction of electromagnetic fields to generate ultrasonic waves. This technology has the non-contact and couplant free advantages over conventional ultrasonic testing based on piezoelectric transducers. The same as conventional ultrasonic testing, EMAT can also be configured to generate straight beam, angle beam, and guided waves with good mode control. It has been widely used in metal production, automotive, power generation, petrochemical and special equipment inspection industries.
In Dr. GAO’s presentation, he covered the basics of EMAT theory and the most advanced instrumentation and applications of EMAT technology.
Dr. Gao has been dedicated to the development of new electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMAT) applications, high power ultrasonic testing, and guided wave testing for many years. He has also given invited presentations in many universities, research institutes, and companies.
GAO is giving his lecture