The Multi-morph Bender Bar, a New Type of Dipole Source Used in Well Logging

Recently, the multi-morph bar, a new type of flexural transducer, is proposed by researchers from the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for well logging. The multi-morph bar comprises an inert substrate having two pair...


A Robust Adaptive Beamforming Method Performs Stably for Improving Ultrasound Imaging Quality

Minimum variance (MV) adaptive beamforming method has been applied in medical ultrasound imaging to improve lateral resolution. Compared with the conventional delay-and-sum (DAS) beamforming method, it can reduce aperture size, increase frame...


New Acoustic Logging While Drilling Receiver Simulated with Small Size and Broad Frequency Band

Researchers from the State Key Laboratory of Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences simulate a new typed receiver with cavity structure composed by a bi-laminated piezoelectric bender and a hollow cylindrical she...


Non-collinear Mixing Method is Feasible to Detect Plastic Zone at Crack Tip

By non-collinear mixing method, a nonlinearity parameter is utilized to evaluate plastic zone at crack tip. A schematic of the proposed non-collinear mixing method of the ultrasonic measurement system. Researchers from the Institute of Acoust...


Ultrasonic Adaptive Bi-directional Point-wise Focusing Virtual Source Imaging Proves High Resolution and Consistent Contrast

Ultrasonic imaging is widely used in medical imaging and industrial detection. Higher qualities of ultrasonic imaging are needed for reliable examination of patients or detection of defects in industrial products. Many studies have been done ...