The Surface Porous Layer Affects the Results of the Rayleigh Wave Exploration to Great Extent

Researchers from the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have derived the dispersion function of Rayleigh waves in a layered half-space system with a porous layer at different depths by the transfer-matrix method.


A New Model Improves Stability and Accuracy of the Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Inversion Result

Researchers from the State Key Laboratory of Acoustics of Institute of Acoustics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and School of Information and Communication Engineering, Guilin University of Electronic Technology have recently proposed a reg...


Simplified Dispersion Relationships Found for Fluid-Dominated Axisymmetric Wave Motion in Buried Fluid-filled Pipes

Researchers from the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed an analytical model to predict the low-frequency dispersion characteristics of the n=0, s=1 wave in a buried fluid-filled pipe.


Confusion Clarified: Sonic Logging Can Measure Group Velocity of Anisotropic Media in a Deviated Borehole

Researchers SU Chang, ZHANG Xiumei, LIN Weijun et al. from the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have furtherly clarified the issue by replying the comment. They have shown that velocity extracted from acoustic l...


Radiation Efficiency of a Damped Plate Is Much Influenced by the Convection Velocity in Turbulent Boundary Layer

Based on the Corcos model, formulae for the calculation of the modal averaged radiation efficiency are derived using the modal expansion approach by researchers from the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.